E and The Roast Beast

So E is 11 and still says the cutest stuff. Like last year when we were at Universal Studios and the boys picked out their Harry Potter wands. C looked at E and said one of the spells, "Stupefy!". E goes "Duuuuuuuuhhhhhh." He literally thought C meant stupefy meant stupid lol. 

So the roast beast. E loves watching The Grinch at Christmas time. Both boys do. We all know at the end, the Grinch carves the roast beast. Yesterday,  C is making lunch and E says "Daddy, you're making roast beast like in The Grinch. What animal is that from?" C tells him it's from a cow but how its roast beef, not roast beast. E literally thought it was like in the Grinch. We laughed so hard! E really is the cutest sometimes. 😁❤